Coincidence is Dead (No thanks to Nietzsche)

And they will believe in fate; good and evil...

This week's strong message is "everything happens for a reason". I keep seeing and hearing it in different semantic variations everywhere: in Netflix shows, people's texts, social media, even within the whispers of my own inner voice. Last night I came that much closer to understanding the concept, and the feeling was so peaceful.

Accepting this concept is probably the key to long-term peace. That's not to say we don't need a reminder every now and then. Just think of all the events that had to line up perfectly one after the other, and in parallel to countless others, since the Big Bang, so that you, today, can be alive.

Some people say the universe's creation was an anomaly in a vast sea of high entropy. A fluke of random luck. But then, how far did the universe need to go to cut all those corners on being "random", on such a systematic and precise level for things to evolve just the way they did? I'd have to say really far. So far indeed that if one of the physical attributes of this universe, like say, its rate of expansion, is off by a tiny almost negligible fraction of what we know it to be, galaxies wouldn't have formed, and we wouldn't be here.

I watch cheesy shows on Netflix (don't judge me I LOVE the Flash LOL), but that doesn't mean that I only get cheesy feels off of them. There is meaning in every little detail of everyday experience. By extension, every action we take and every word we utter is of consequence to the universe. That constant give and take, cause and effect,, and the more I know and grow, the harder it is to see any part of it as random.

Coincidence, I'm afraid, is dead.


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