In the Heart of the Mountain (Arabic post)

October 2016, Colored Canyon, Sinai, Egypt:

ارى حماقات البشر الواهنة تتلاشى شئ فشئ كلما دخلت في احضان الجبل العتيد، فيزول هم الدنيا بيسر توازيه عظمة الخالق البديع المصورة في شقوق الحجر القديم...شقوق كالعشق: باهرة، ماكرة، ساكنة الان بعدما كانت واهجة

The deeper I walk into the embraces of the mountain, the less I can see of the follies of human nature. They fade and subside completely, as the burdens of everyday life just lift off my shoulders, in surrender to the majesty of the Creator of such beauty. A beauty manifested in the very fissures of the ancient stone. They are cracks reminiscent of fiery romance: brilliant and treacherousdormant now, when they were once ablaze.  


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