On the Coloniality of Knowledge and the Emphasis on "Meaning"
Manuscripts on astronomy and mathematics originating from Timbuktu source: https://renovatio.zaytuna.edu/article/of-cannons-and-canons The journey towards decolonizing one's heart is never-ending and replete with challenges. Perhaps one of the most subtle being the need to always question meaning. Meaning . A word laden with possibilities, dangers, and sometimes the potential for decolonial freedom. Ever wondered where meaning is derived from? Why a certain word has a certain meaning? Why some things are deemed more meaningful than others? And who or what creates and controls that meaning? This post is about the production of meaning - the process by which knowledge is created - and specifically who creates it, and why. "The most violent spectacles of imperialism are visited upon colonised bodies, but the most durable are inflicted upon consciousness. Colonial regimes were – and are – predicated on epistemicide; the erasure of entire ordering...