BROKEN DREAMS BROKEN LIVES: RCMP - Merlo Davidson Settlement

News of an "explosive" report about the RCMP has been floating on the radio for a bit. I decided to do some research. This is an excerpt from the Executive Summary of the report issued by Justice Michel Bastarache on the RCMP - Merlo Davidson Settlement dated November 11, 2020: "It is impossible to fully convey the depth of the pain that the Assessors witnessed in the 644 interviews that were conducted and 3,086 claims that were assessed. What the women told the Assessors shocked them to their core. This process has forever tarnished the image of the RCMP as a Canadian icon. Bright, well-educated women said that they joined the RCMP seeking to help others, sometimes because they themselves had needed help as a young person. They told the Assessors of the brutal treatment they experienced which ground them down, broke their confidence, and shattered their trust in their fellow officers. The full tragedy and suffering of what the RCMP’s failure to provide a safe workplace...