Closed Door

2:00 am: I'm rocking my five month old baby to stop her fussing, which she is threatening to turn into a full-fledged shrieking. I'm in the living room with the door closed and I keep giving it furtive glances to check that it stays closed. It is important that it stays closed. Because if that door is closed, then so is his - the kids' bedroom that he took to sleeping in. He cannot be woken. Please God he cannot be woken. 2:30 am: It's hot in the living room, and I'm feeling stifled with all the energy coming from the TV. The sound is turned down and the baby is not fussing anymore but she's wide awake and expects all the attention in the world. If I get too absorbed in the show, she makes sure she is loud enough to regain my focus. It's getting harder to stay awake… Focus on her, I tell myself, stay awake, keep the doors closed, hang on, she'll get sleepy soon. 3:11 am: I changed her diaper. Again. Back on the...