Anai 1

Anai’s forearms felt like lead after hours of wringing papyrus. She had to squeeze the excess water out of the raw form of the precious plant’s reeds, that were meant to be slapped together and dried into smooth sheets of writing scrolls for the scribes. She must keep up the momentum if they were to make the deadline set by the chief - as a maid of Hathor she cannot falter, for hers was a position of honor among the other girls, being the sister of the last Bride of the Nile. For the 18 years that she had lived, Anai had been groomed to be a servant of the goddess Hathor - the divine lady of music, fertility and love. She would have to serve her in whichever way the High Priestess of Memphis ordained proper, and for the next two months such honor entailed the patient act of collecting the grown papyrus reeds off the eastern banks of the Nile and wringing them out such that they were damp enough to hammer flat by the next maid in the operation line. All the girls were dressed...